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Access World News
Access World News Research Collection Q is an unparalleled collection featuring thousands of U.S. and global news sources, including over 180 South African titles, most available online only through NewsBank. Designed in collaboration with librarians, this primary resource solution supports a wide range of academic disciplines, including political science, journalism, English, history, environmental studies, sociology, finance, economics, education, business, health, social sciences and more. Its more than 11,000 local, regional and national sources provide unrivalled perspectives
BBC College Journalism
The African Writers Series forms part of Literature Online and contains work by all the major African authors of the second half of the 20th century published by Heinemann. Over 350 volumes of fiction, poetry, drama, myths, memoirs and reportage.
Biomed Central
Focuses on journals covering science, technology and medicine specializing in biology, medicine and health.
DOAJ is a community-curated list of open access journals and aims to be the starting point for all information searches for quality, peer reviewed open access material. contains ca 9000 open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities.Contains 9000 open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities.
E-Book College
Searchable full text database of EBSCOhost ebooks, including all titles formerly available on the NetLibrary platform (NetLibrary was acquired by Ebsco Publishing in 2010).
Please email : library@IIE for username and password
EMIS operates in and reports on countries where high reward goes hand-in-hand with high risk. We bring you time-sensitive, hard-to-get, relevant news, research and analytical data, peer comparisons and more for over 120 emerging markets. Our information platform provides a unique blend of analysis, data and news on companies, industries and countries.
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Gave Virtual Reference Library
Encyclopaedias and specialised reference sources.
Sabinet African Journals
ProQuest One Academic, four core multi-disciplinary products – ProQuest Central, Academic Complete, Academic Video Online and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global – are now available and cross-searchable on the same user-friendly, responsive, mobile-enabled ProQuest platform. Full-text available.